Upcoming Events + Twitch

Hey Guys!

I have not written anything on here in a while. But i had a good reason. The thing is i have been very busy…

First things first: I got myself a stand on two conventions next month! Yay! One is on the Coaket in Hamburg (10th till 11th August) and the NipponCon in Bremen(17th till 18 August). So come and visit me!

Second thing: I got myself a Twitch-Account and i started streaming almost regularly! Please visit my channel and follow me. I need to get that affiliate! I have a cute Dog-Cam! 🙂

Thats about it. No, wait. I uploaded a new Phoenix, check it out. I am very proud of it.

Alright, i gotta go, the Dog needs walking!

Cya around! Meet me at the Con’s! Reality is an illusion, buy gold! Byeeeeee!



Hey Guys,

Sorry i have not writing much on here these last 2 Months, but truth is that not much is happening right now. I have a bunch of privat projects i am working on, but i won’t post them here, because they are you know… privat.

I was working on the #creatuanary-Challenge last month. If you want to see what i did for that, check my Instagram or my Twitter.

Oh yes, one thing did happen. I was planning on going to an art convention in Hamburg, the „Coaket“, but it did not work out. Maybe next year i can actually go there and sell some stuff.

Well if anything else comes up, i will tell you.


November Update

Hey Guys,

Inktober came and went. I am not completely done with my project yet, but good things take time.

I updated my gallery and uploaded a few new pictures. That is all for now.

Have a good week!


Inktober 2018

Hey Guys,

long time no see. I have been busy with some personal stuff.  I am back to drawing now.

I am participating in the Inktober this year, but i am not working off some kind of promt list. I am working on my own thing, but i will need some time to make something that i can actually post. I am going to work on an comic and i would like to release it when it is completely finished. Now i have never done a proper comic befor so this will be interesting. I have no idea how long it will be but i have the story. So wish me luck.

Have a good week,


Smaugust 2018 Part 2 + Secret Announcement

Hey Guys and Gals,

so this are the last few days of the August and i am actually happy that i don’t have to draw dragons for a while. Finally i can work on bigger and better stuff again. That is the problem with working a regular, normal job besides your artistry; you only have so much time.

Anyway. If you want to check out a bunch of Watercolor drawings and sketches i made for Smaugust, check my new Instagram Account.

I will rearrenge my Gallery next month and the Smaugust drawings will be compiled with the other drawings. You will see, it will be great.

Also, i have some else that pretty great. Some of my designs will be sold at the „Warsteiner Internationale Montgolfiade„. I worked together with the embroidery business „Deutsch„.  So check them out for some cool ballon-themed products.

That is all for now. Have a good week!


Smaugust 2018 Part 1


So i have been pretty much only Dragons this past week for the „Smaugust“. And while i love drawing them, it kind of keeps me from doing much of anything else. I try to squeeze time for me to work on my other projects, but the day has only so many hours. 24, in fact.

 I managed updated my tumblr-page to fit more the style of this website and i am working on a special little thing with a „local“ business. But i can’t talk about that yet.

For the time being have a little green dragon. More of them are coming.

Have a good weekend!
